Perfectly timed for Election Day,
the VOTE BOAT chapter from the Teen Boat graphic novel is available
READ ONLINE. If you like what you see, be sure to share it with your friends and family.
There's even a downloadable PDF totally free...just like a democracy should be!
posted by Team Boat! @ 8:47 AM
Even though he will not confirm whether or not his dad was in fact THE Swift Boat that John Kerry sailed on in Vietnam...he still does not appreciate Harry Cobbs trying to drag him under the boat with further slander.
posted by Team Boat! @ 3:39 PM
Brilliant songsmith,
Jordan Cooper recorded a beautiful and heartfelt song about Teen Boat's love affair in Venice (as documented in the Teen Boat graphic novel). Listen to it here:
Venice Love Theme
posted by Team Boat! @ 10:06 PM
Remember when Teen Boat won the prestigious
IGNATZ AWARD for best debut mini comic?
You can see lots of photos from the Small Press Expo and the Ignatz award ceremony here:
posted by Team Boat! @ 8:14 PM
Team Boat began it's campaign with a rally in Bethesda Maryland at the
Small Press Expo! Check out the official SPX website for more info.
Here's the original
COVER for the Teen Boat mini comic that debuted there.
posted by Team Boat! @ 1:35 PM
This slogan came to me last night while I was watching ESPN 2:
"Finally, a candidate we can all get behind! Or water ski behind, at least!"
posted by Team Boat! @ 4:40 PM
Hi everyone, as you may have noticed
our page giving you detailed information on why NOT to vote for Harry Cobbs has been hacked. We are currently working on the problem and hope to bring you the TRUTH as soon as possible!
posted by Team Boat! @ 4:18 PM
Hi and welcome to the Official Blog of Teen Boat. Here you will find posts from Teen Boat himself, his campaign manager Joey Steinberg and other members of TEAM BOAT-- direct from the campaign trail. Please check out all the features on the site! Remember: Democracy can be funny! And don't forget to Vote Boat!

posted by Team Boat! @ 3:50 PM