December 05, 2007
I'll be at the New York Anime Festival this weekend! Organized by the same folks who put on the NY Comic Con, this should be a really huge event!
You can find me with the rest of The Comics Bakery, selling all our comics and merchandise.
I'll also be hosting a panel:
Avatar : The Last Airbender - Comics & Magazines Friday December 7th from 4 PM - 5 PM Hosted by Nickelodeon Magazine editor, Dave Roman. Featuring Avatar magazine contributors Alison Wilgus and Tina Lam. Anime Panel Room (1A06)
A behind-the-scenes look at the various stages of making the Avatar comics that appeared in the official Avatar magazines, as well as the mini-comics packaged with the single disk DVDs. From story pitches to script revisions, and creating final art for print, this is a chance to find out what goes into making a great comic, and what editors actually do all day! BONUS FUN: There will be trivia-bending competition live on stage! Prizes will be won! Cosplaying encouraged!

Another panel that might be worth checking out:
Del Rey & Marvel Comics Sunday, Dec 9th at 3 PM - 4 PM Join Del Rey Manga and Marvel Comics for a special announcement! Manga Panel Room (1A24)
Should be cool! Labels: anime, comics bakery, conventions, manga
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