April 30, 2010
The big tour continues! Raina and I will be at these upcoming shows:
TCAF: Toronto Comics Art Fest in Toronto, Canada, May 8th & 9th.
Main Comics Festival in Portland, Maine, May 22nd.
Heroes Con in Charlotte, North Carolina, June 4th-6th.
Kids Read Comics Con in Dearborn, Michigan, June 12th-13th.
Comic Con: San Diego in San Diego, July 21st-25th.
The last 2 events will be with the entire Comics Bakery gang. And there will be a lot more stuff in the fall!!! Labels: appearances, conventions
8:47 PM
April 22, 2010
This weekend Raina and I will be at the Stumptown Comics Festival in Portland Oregon. Come find us at table 102!
 Labels: appearances, conventions
1:32 PM
April 13, 2010
This weekend Raina and I will be attending the inaugural C2E2 Convention in Chicago, IL!
We'll be set up in the Artist Alley, at Table K6. Look for the brand-new giant SMILE banner! We'll have a plethora of goodies for sale, including hardcover editions of Raina's Smile & BSC graphic novels, Life Meter, Agnes Quill, Teen Boat and Astronaut Elementary mini-comics, t-shirts, original art, buttons, Wizard Rock cd's; the works!
Our schedules for the con are as follows:
Friday 12:15 - 1:15: Dave will be on the panel, The Magic of Reading from the Creator's Perspective. Room E352.
Saturday 6:10: Raina will be participating in the Iron Artist Tournament, on the Variant Stage. Please cheer her on as she does battle with the likes of Jill Thompson (Scary Godmother, Sandman)!

Sunday 11:00: Dave is on a panel called Avatar: The Last Airbender - Beginning and Beyond, that takes place in room E350. It will feature a live comics reading, Puppetbenders (live and in video form) and a cosplay competition with lots of prizes! Also a sneak peak at the new Last Airbender Zuko Prequel manga!
Sunday 12:30: Raina will be speaking on the panel Graphic Novel Events for Your School/Library. Room E267.
Sunday 2-2:30: SMILE, LIVE ON STAGE!! Raina will be performing a scene from Smile, live on stage, with a few other actors reading different parts. On the Variant Stage.
In between all that, we will be at our table all weekend. Please come by and say hello! Tell us the best place to get pizza! Share anecdotes about Second City!
And if you live in the Chicago area or are still in town, we'd love you to come out to our big event Tuesday evening at @ Challengers Comics + Conversation.

Audiovisual Audacity with Raina Telgemeier and Dave Roman!
Challengers Comics + Conversation. 1845 N. Western Ave, Chicago, IL Tuesday, April 20 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Here is the official description:
KIDS OF ALL AGES: Do we have an event for you! Straight from New York, we've got authors RAINA TELGEMEIER (Smile, Babysitters Club) and DAVE ROMAN (Astronaut Elementary, Agnes Quill) giving an exciting sight-and-sound heavy presentation for young and old alike. HEAR Dave and Raina read from two of their all-ages graphic novels! SEE accompanying slideshows of both books! TASTE some cool snacks! SOME ACTION that signifies getting copies of SMILE and ASTRONAUT ELEMENTARY signed by the authors!
It's going to be a fun night, so bring the whole family!
And after that... it's on to Portland, Oregon, for the Stumptown Comics Fest! Like Wandicorn would say, "Let's tear it up!" Labels: conventions
11:22 PM
July 18, 2008

I will be all over the San Diego Comic Con! Here's where to look:
Base of Operations: The Comics Bakery P2, in the Small Press section. That lines up with aisle 1900, at the very edge of Small Press, so we should be pretty easy to find! Look for the Comics Bakery banner! Also tabling there are fan-favorites like Raina Telgemeier, John Green and Marion Vitus. We’ll have a sampling of comics, zines, T-shirts, buttons, original art, handshakes, and hi-fives.
Summer home: SLG Publishing If you don’t already have a copy of Agnes Quill, this is the place to get it! And I’ll draw you something in your book if you come by SLG Thurs. 12-2PM, Fri. and Sat. 2-3PM Sun. 12:30-2PM.
Moving Castle: FLIGHT comics The booth number is: 1228 and it will be HUGE! Volume 5 (which has a story by me!) debuts there and should fly like hotcakes with jetpacks. I’ll be stopping by for regular visits to sign and sketch my cares away.
Farewell party: FRIDAY NIGHT 7:30-9:15 Nickelodeon Avatar: Sozin's Comet Come out and celebrate the series finale of Avatar the Last Airbender by watching the screening with the show’s creators and fans. I’m so there! Room 6CDEF
Community service: SUNDAY at 10:30-11:30 Kids Draw! Join a great lineup of kids' cartoonists as they draw their hearts out - right in front of you! Cartoonists including Nick Abadzis (Laika), Debbie Huey (Bumperboy) Johanne Matte (Flight Explorer), Scott Morse (Visitations), Andy Runton (Owly), Kean Soo (Jellaby), and Dave Roman (Nickelodeon) will create art as you watch - with your help! Room 30CDE Labels: appearances, comic con, conventions
3:06 AM
April 15, 2008

This weekend is the New York Comic Con, the east coast's biggest pop culture event!
You'll find me at the Comics Bakery, booth #2247 with assortment of comics, t-shirts, buttons, and hi-fives.
I'll also be on a bunch of panels!
NICK MAG PRESENTS...AVATAR COMICS & FANDOM SPOTLIGHT Friday at 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM in ROOM 1E08 -Nickelodeon Magazine gives a behind-the-scenes look at comics produced for Avatar: The Last Airbender and spotlights all the creativity surrounding the fandom for the popular show. There will lots of audience participation, trivia-bending, and prizes for the best cosplayers! We'll also be showing an amazing collection of AMV's, and a special puppet surprise! Featuring: Johane Matte aka Rufftoon (storyboard artist), Dave Roman (comics editor), and Alison Wilgus (comics writer).
FLIGHT EXPLORER - A CONVERSATION WITH KAZU KIBUISHI AND CREATORS Sunday 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM in Kids, Teen Room 1E08 -Flight Explorer, a spin-off of the award-winning Flight graphic novel anthology series, features fun characters and stories that appeal to young readers and parents who want to introduce their children to graphic novels. Join Flight and Flight Explorer editor Kazu Kibuishi and Flight contributors Amy Kim Ganter (who drew the Zuko/Mai Avatar comic), Johane Matte (Rufftoon!), Phil Craven, Jake Parker, Kean Soo, and Dave Roman for their take on the amazing world of Flight Explorer and all-ages comics!
NICK MAG PRESENTS...3-D COMIC CAROUSEL Sunday 3:00 PM-4:00 PM in room 1E09 -A series of cartoon slide shows presented by an array of comic strip makers, performers, and other characters. Plenty of gags, goofiness, audience participation and 3-D action! Definitely for kids and alternative-comics-loving adults. Featuring: R. Sikoryak (Drawn and Quarterly), Sam Henderson (Magic Whistle), Kim Deitch (Alias the Cat), Michael Kupperman (Tales Designed To Thrizzle), and Karen Sneider (Pony Up!)
Nick Mag will actually have a film crew documenting our panels for potential future web videos, so please come out and make sure our audience looks full!
BTW: Children 12 and under are admitted for free on Sunday/Kids Day!
 Labels: comics bakery, conventions
12:33 AM
March 04, 2008
Here's a list of stuff I'll be at in the next few weeks:

MARCH 15th SPLAT! A Graphic Novel Symposium at the New York Center of Independent Publishing (NYCIP)
I'll be participating on this panel:
Comics: For Kids, Too 2:15PM - 3:30PM When the shift in comics readership came, it caught people by surprise. Even though articles about “graphic novels for adults” are often titled, “Comics: not just for kids anymore!” - the interesting truth is that comics are now read more by adults than by children. This panel brings kid-friendly authors and editors together to talk about the special art of making comics that can capture kids’ imaginations and keep them reading comics for life. Featuring: Misako Rocks!, Writer and illustrator, Biker Girl, Rock n’ Roll Love. Dave Roman, Nickelodeon Kids editor and comics creator. David Saylor, Vice President, Associate Publisher and Creative Director for Hardcover Books, Scholastic Inc, and Founding Editorial Director of the GRAPHIX imprint at Scholastic. Frank Cammuso, Eisner-nominated Creator, Max Hamm, Fairy Tale Detective. Moderated by Janna Morishima, Director of Diamond Kids Group, Diamond Book Distributors.
MARCH 25th The Comic Book Club 8:00pm at the Peoples Improv Theater. Tickets are just $5!
This is a live talk show performed weekly at the popular improv theater. I'll be a guest along with fellow Nick Magazine related folks Evan Dorkin (Milk & Cheese) and Chris Duffy (Bizarro Comics).
MARCH 29th Kids Comic Con Bronx Community College Free for children 17 and under. $5 for all others I'll have a table with the Comics Bakery.
APRIL 12th Jim Hanley's Universe Signing from 2-4PM with Raina Telgemeier (Baby-Sitters Club) and Josh Elder (Mail Order Ninja)
APRIL 18th-April 20th New York Comic Con The biggest convention on the east coast is supposedly even bigger this year. I'll be hosting a panel about a TV show called, Avatar: the Last Airbender on friday afternoon. (time TBD) My comics creating co-horts, the Comics Bakery will have a full-sized booth on the main floor and we'll be joined by Kean Soo and Johane Matte of Flight Comics!
APRIL 26th & 27th Stumptown Comics Fest Lloyd Center Doubletree hotel in Portland Oregon. Raina and I are special guests!
MAY 3rd Free Comic Book Day Supposedly doing something at a library in NJ. More details to come!

MAY 4th Sleeping in!
MAY 19th Going to see the Swell Season! Labels: appearances, conventions
1:01 PM
December 05, 2007
I'll be at the New York Anime Festival this weekend! Organized by the same folks who put on the NY Comic Con, this should be a really huge event!
You can find me with the rest of The Comics Bakery, selling all our comics and merchandise.
I'll also be hosting a panel:
Avatar : The Last Airbender - Comics & Magazines Friday December 7th from 4 PM - 5 PM Hosted by Nickelodeon Magazine editor, Dave Roman. Featuring Avatar magazine contributors Alison Wilgus and Tina Lam. Anime Panel Room (1A06)
A behind-the-scenes look at the various stages of making the Avatar comics that appeared in the official Avatar magazines, as well as the mini-comics packaged with the single disk DVDs. From story pitches to script revisions, and creating final art for print, this is a chance to find out what goes into making a great comic, and what editors actually do all day! BONUS FUN: There will be trivia-bending competition live on stage! Prizes will be won! Cosplaying encouraged!

Another panel that might be worth checking out:
Del Rey & Marvel Comics Sunday, Dec 9th at 3 PM - 4 PM Join Del Rey Manga and Marvel Comics for a special announcement! Manga Panel Room (1A24)
Should be cool! Labels: anime, comics bakery, conventions, manga
11:53 PM
March 09, 2007

On March 17th I'll be at the UK Web & Mini Comix Thing!
Here's the address for anyone in that neighborhood:
Queen Mary University, Mile End Road, Mile End, London Time: 10am - 5pm
This will be my first time in England! Labels: conventions, travel
10:41 AM