July 30, 2009

News from Comic Con....
SDCC '09 | Del Rey Manga announced it will publish both a prequel and an adaptation of M. Night Shyamalan’s live-action film The Last Airbender, itself an adaptation of Nickelodeon’s popular animated series. Cartoonist Dave Roman, associate editor of the recently shuttered Nickelodeon Magazine, will write both. Nina Matsumoto will draw the prequel, while Joon Choi will illustrate the adaptation. The movie is set to debut in July 2010. More info over at ICv2.com
What is not mentioned, is that Alison Wilgus will actually be co-writing BOTH books with me. Alison is the author of Chronin (soon to be published by SLG) and several Avatar comics for Nick Magazine. I seriously would not have been able to take on this project without her! Labels: avatar, comics, manga, the last airbender
4:36 PM