August 12, 2009
X-Men: Misfits is finally in stores everywhere!

So far, the advanced word is good!
Active Anime: "At last an Original English Language manga (OEL) that gets it bang on right! And it’s X-Men Misfits. As a diehard X-Men fan (I collected the comics since the early 80s) I was curious but skeptical on how an OEL version would revision it. The story and art surprised and thrilled me. It manages to work in enough details about the various Marvel mutants to please hard core fans while delighting them with the new takes on many, many favorite names."
Publishers Weekly: "Telgemeier and Roman deliver a delightful script that will appeal to old fans while being friendly toward new readers or fans of the X-Men films. The art by Anzu (The Reformed) is over-the-top shojo parody, with lots of screentone and flowers."
I hope you'll give it a shot, and have us much fun reading it as we did making it! Mutant fistbumps to our collaborator, Anzu, and to our editor, Tricia as well as everyone at Del Rey and Marvel!
If you're going to be in the neighborhood, Raina and I will be at the official Book Release Party at Rocketship on Friday, August 28th. I believe there will be cupcakes.
 Labels: manga, x-men, x-men: misfits
9:30 AM
June 01, 2009
Here is an interview with Raina and I talking about X-Men: Misfits, the book in which Kitty Pryde enrolls in a school for very very pretty boy mutants.
This interview also appears in the second to last issue of the Shojo Beat magazine. I was very sorry to hear about the magazine's demise. It's hard for comics magazines to survive out there! Labels: manga, x-men
12:29 PM
December 21, 2007

Here's a quote from press release for the new project I'm working on!
Marvel Entertainment and Del Rey Manga, an imprint of Ballantine Books at the Random House Publishing Group, announced today plans to publish two new manga series based on Marvel Entertainment's highly popular X-Men series.
The manga, created with the cooperation and consultation of Marvel editors, will take the classic characters from the X-Men series and re-imagine them in a manga style. The first project, scripted by the husband-and-wife team of Raina Telgemeier (writer and illustrator of The Babysitter's Club graphic novels) and Dave Roman (creator of the comic Agnes Quill), will focus specifically on the X-Men team. Indonesian artist Anzu will illustrate the two-volume series, which will go on sale in Spring 2009.
It's the X-Men as you've never seen them before, with the storyline fashioned as a private school shojo comedy. (Shojo manga is aimed at girls and often covers popular subjects such as comedy, romance, and drama.) As the only girl in the all-boys School for Gifted Youngsters, Kitty Pryde, a mutant with phasing abilities, is torn between the popular Hellfire Club, led by flame-throwing mutant Pyro--and the school misfits, whom she eventually bands together as the X-Men.
There are some photos over on The Beat and lot of discussion both positive and negative is already popping up over the internets as expected. Here's a few links if you are interested:
--Reading about how this is both awesome and horrible news will offer hours of endless of distraction! And the first volume doesn't even come out till Spring 2009! So lots of time for fan speculation!
I won't say too much now, except that Raina and I are both excited to be working on this project! Our editors have been super supportive and our hope is to write something FUN, that will appeal to both X-men fans and Manga fans alike. Perhaps that's impossible, but we'll try our best!
 Labels: del rey, manga, marvel, shojo, x-men
2:57 PM